Possible repo of only vehicle

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Possible repo of only vehicle

Post by Fiona »

Good afternoon,
I am a mother of one who is facing a possible repo of my only vehicle. I have been facing some tough issues financially and while trying to get back on our feet and it seems to be a struggle living check to check. I owe $3353 for my vehicle and must have all the funds to my bank by the 30th of this month.
While my fiancé and I make decent income combined, but we have bills that take much of it and have spent much of the last 3 years trying to simply stay afloat. I have lost two jobs and while thankfully am employed and making good money it has been a game of catching up for us.
If we were able to get assistance to pay off this debt on our vehicle so not able to be repo I know we could manage future puts and resolution of other debts. This is our only vehicle that aids us both in being able to work and care for our son. I never ask for help and feel an overwhelming sense of shame and discuss as I type this, but desperate time calls for desperate measures and swallowing of pride.
I live in Tampa, Florida and can provide whatever proof is needed concerning this debt. Nothing needs to be made out to me, but rather to the institution I owe funds too to stop the repo. Help is all I am asking for and I will make sure once I am on my feet that I pay it forward.
Hope to hear from you and thank you for your time.
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Re: Possible repo of only vehicle

Post by Gia »

To whom it may concern,
I found your email in an article and am reaching out for assistance to stop a repo of our only vehicle. We found ourselves in a position where we're pinched on bills and am getting deeper. My son is on probation and had to move in with us because he had no where else to go. He also lost his job and had has trucked repossessed. Fortunately, he just started one this past Monday, but it's going to take a little while before he can help, with his fines. In addition to our rent and car payment we've been trying to keep up wit his car payment and help with the payment necessary to go to his classes, and Gas for both of their vehicles, plus my fiancé has auto fines. The more I pay to get ahead, the more I feel like I'm getting behind.
Is there a way we can get help? Whether it be for rent or car payments to stop the rep or our only vehicle? Thankfully I get extra help with food through my insurance card.
We live in a motel made apartment and am walking on one another as 3 adults. There really isn't a kitchen, but we make due. Our fingers are crossed and prayers going up for an apartment for the same price that would be 3 bedroom.
As you can imagine I deal with a lot of anxiety so I have an emotional support dog. When he's not with me my nerves are worse than when we're together.
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