Credit card maxed out

If you need help with paying debt, including credit cards, car loans and medical debt.
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Credit card maxed out

Post by Kindle »

well,it was the night before payday and we needed gas to get to work and food til then also.we had 0 in the bank . so i took the risk of being denied if i used the debit card.i never tried this before but we were despite. the only problem is that i used it 5 different times for 5 different by the next morning we had almost 300 $ in fees and charges from this . the reason had to use it is because maxed out on credit cards. then not thinking deposited our rent amount right in to the acct. and the bank of course took there fees. which in turn made our rent check bounce.not 2 days later i had another insufficient fund fee and charges by this time its getting close to pay day again and xmas bonuses. we figure we'll just fix everything with we use some more of this rent money to live on. well i anticipated twice the amount of what we now we are really behind .we can pay our jan. rent on time and every month after. but i sure messed up our acct and credit card. im just sick about this .please we only need help this one time. i know that i will not ever do this again, as long as i live...i look forward to your response. thank u
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Re: Credit card maxed out

Post by bluegourami3 »

I know your maxed out on your credit card, but if you know that you can pay your priority bills, then those come first, and everybody else can wait. That means, rent first, gas, food, utilities, get rid of what you can do without, like extra's on phone (landline) call waiting, call forwarding, VM through phone company. Most phone companies do have a package for low-income people. I just got one from Verizon for 14.99 per month. Downgrade the cable for the time being. You can find other things to do. Don't use the cell phone that much, I have a pay as you go phone. I only use 1000 minutes a year, and I only pay 100.00 versus the 60.00 per month for 400 minutes that I don't use all up. This saves me 620.00 per year.
If you are in an apartment or house and you know you're going to be there for at least seven years or could be, credit cards can wait. It only can be on your credit report for 7 years. And DON'T let the credit card companies talk you into consilidating them into a loan, because then this can not get wiped clean. Hope this helps, and hope things turn around for you as they are finally starting to turn around for me after three/four years of being unemployed.
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Re: Credit card maxed out

Post by Admin »

This note is kind of piece meal, so not 100% sure what looking for. Seems like general problems with maxing out credit cards, problems with fees on debit cards, and other issues. Maybe a lot of credit problems. In most cases we usually recommend a non-profit credit counselor. At least starting with them. Oftentimes they have free advice for income qualified people. Read more on credit counseling agencies and select your state and start making some calls.
Kindle wrote:well,it was the night before payday and we needed gas to get to work and food til then also.we had 0 in the bank . so i took the risk of being denied if i used the debit card.i never tried this before but we were despite. the only problem is that i used it 5 different times for 5 different by the next morning we had almost 300 $ in fees and charges from this . the reason had to use it is because maxed out on credit cards. then not thinking deposited our rent amount right in to the acct. and the bank of course took there fees. which in turn made our rent check bounce.not 2 days later i had another insufficient fund fee and charges by this time its getting close to pay day again and xmas bonuses. we figure we'll just fix everything with we use some more of this rent money to live on. well i anticipated twice the amount of what we now we are really behind .we can pay our jan. rent on time and every month after. but i sure messed up our acct and credit card. im just sick about this .please we only need help this one time. i know that i will not ever do this again, as long as i live...i look forward to your response. thank u
I need help
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Re: Credit card maxed out

Post by I need help »

I have just gained custodial custody of one of my four children, I left a 3 1/2 year relationship, so that I could be present as a mother for my son. I am a full-time student who will complete her first semester of herb sophomore year in two and a half weeks....I am unemployed and my sparse resources ( savings and family financial assistance) has been depleted. We are in desperate need of basic things....for example we are $200.00 short on our rent that is due on 5/12/12, we owe $87.90 to SCE&G by 5/18/12, we owe Chas. Water Systems 49.63 by 5/13/2012, $600 on my credit card bills, and we have transportation that needs gas and a drivers door...we are also looking for a community church we can join and be a part of.............praying that Gods will is that we will receive a response......May God bless and keep you and your
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Re: Credit card maxed out

Post by Gilt »

Hello I am currently in debt with credit cards and student loans. Both have to do with credit debt while being in school and student loan debt but it’s hard to find a job in my field but I do have a job. But I don't make enough to be able to rent an apartment for myself and I am looking to move out with my future wife but it’s really hard as most of my money goes to paying my student loans and credit card bills and I end up not having enough to even be able to afford an apartment. I was wondering if there was any help I can get from any program?
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Re: Credit card maxed out

Post by Shammon »

To Whom It May Concern,
I live in Ferguson Missouri. I am a single parent of a five year old boy. I graduated college on August 17th, 2015. I have been looking for work every day since March! I have three Interviews coming up, but I have fallen so far behind on bills. I have been using my one credit Card for paying rent, gas and electric. After paying bills for July my credit card is maxed out! I don't know what I am going to do.
My gas and electric bills are behind by two months. My rent is coming due and if I get one of these jobs I will have to relocate. I don't know if you can help or if you have any ideas on what I should do. Please, if you know of any assistance I could receive, contact me. Thank you so much and have a wonderful day!
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Re: Credit card maxed out

Post by Frank O »

We live in Brick NJ. We live in state subsidized housing. In order to get in here in February of this year my husband was told he could no longer work part time. We had no choice but to agree because we were being forced out of apartment we lived in; we have no children or immediate family and no assets whatsoever, other than terrible debt on credit cards. Because of not working to supplement our social security we have had to practically Max out credit cards to pay for food and bills.
We are facing re-certification this week although we moved in 2/28/17. Because my husband was owed back wages from late 2013 and 2014 until forced to quit we are very concerned that we will be evicted. Is there someway to reduce debts or file bankruptcy so if we are evicted we have a little more money monthly to live on? Any suggestions for how to handle re-certification process on Wednesday? DESPERATELY need help. Terrified we will end up homeless!!! Please respond. Thank you.
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Re: Credit card maxed out

Post by Admin »

If you are struggling that much, then try one of the programs offered by lenders. They are called hardship programs. Almost all banks offer them. The lender will reduce rates, waive balances and more. Find a list of credit card hardship programs from Capital One, or if you have another bank, they are listed on the site too.
Frank O wrote:we have no children or immediate family and no assets whatsoever, other than terrible debt on credit cards. Because of not working to supplement our social security we have had to practically Max out credit cards to pay for food and bills.
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Re: Credit card maxed out

Post by Hunter »

Good evening. My name is Lauren, and I am currently in need of some help as our credit card is maxed out. My fiance and I relocated to Florida in December, and since then, have fallen on hard times. we have been unable to locate an apartment, and therefore, have stayed with his parents, and in hotels, which has added up to thousands of dollars.
My fiance's credit cards have been maxed out, and my bank account has been dangerously close to running out. We are both currently employed, however have found it incredibly hard to get by as funds have been really rather tight. In fact, being able to afford necessities such as food, clothing is considerably limited.
I am asking for any type of help to hold us over now and help with the credit card that is maxed out. It's a terrifying situation to be in, and no one should ever find themselves in such a situation. Whatever can be done, would so greatly be appreciated. I am available at this email address. Any of these contact methods would work.
I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you very much.
Kathy Jean
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Re: Credit card maxed out

Post by Kathy Jean »

My name is Jennifer and I am on disability (SSDI) in Pennsylvania. I am way in debt with all my credit cards fully maxed out not to mention medical bills. I cannot work and cannot afford the healthcare I require to get healthy enough to be independent and work again. I have numerous medical bills stacked up, along with credit card bills & ambulance bills. I have trouble paying for medications, vet bills when they occur, and especially food. I cannot afford food & clothing. I would like more information on any programs that may be able to assist me with my bills, credit cards and medical care, especially that not covered by any insurance, food and additional expenses. It is simply impossible to live off of disability alone. I cant even afford to live on my own. I am forced to reside with friends who are willing to take me in at little to no cost.
Thank you for your time.
Thank you again.
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