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St Charles, Franklin, Warren Salvation Army assistance programs.

Assistance from the Salvation Army in Missouri focuses on housing and homeless prevention, however other programs are administered in counties including St. Charles, Warren, and Franklin. For those low income families that are out of options and have tried other non-profits and government programs, the Salvation Army may be able to help as a last resort.

They work with state agencies and others to end homelessness. The focus is on breaking the cycle of poverty and also addressing its root causes. Some of the rent and housing services in the St. Charles Missouri County region include the following.

A few shelters support the neediest women, men and children in the metropolitan region. In some cases, they can stay for up to a few months as they work towards self-sufficiency. The shelters will offer free meals, help with job searches, medical care and treatment. They also part of the Missouri Governor’s Committee to End Homelessness.

Those that need help in finding and paying the rent on permanent housing can get advice and referrals from Salvation Army case managers. Staff partner with clients to find suitable accommodations and apartments in St Charles and Warren County which will allow them to transition back into their lives successfully. This may start with a transitional housing facility.

Homelessness can also be caused by an unpaid utility bill, such as heating and water. Landlords often will evict tenants for those expenses. So from time to time the Salvation Army may have funds to contribute towards those costs. Or case managers can help low income families apply for programs such as LIHEAP.

Seniors are the fastest growing demographic in both Missouri and across the state. Thousands of seniors receive some form of help from community centers, financial support, meals, and other programs. Sometimes they just need companionship. Resources for seniors and the elderly also include free lunch programs, educational classes, pre-retirement seminars, faith and fellowship.

Holiday Assistance from Toy programs ensure that children from low income families wake up to a present under their tree on Christmas morning. Not only that, but the Salvation Army will try to distribute vouchers to families to pay for the purchase of groceries for Christmas dinners.





Another key resource in St. Charles County Missouri is the Adopt-A-Family program. This will match impoverished families (the entire unit) with groups or individual sponsors to provide them with their tangible needs for Christmas. It will be clothing, books, meals, toys, winter coats, or other items.

Emergency assistance and social services are operated from Salvation Army community centers in Missouri. Caseworkers from the non-profit provide counseling services and casework, including job placement strategies, financial planning assistance, and even emotional support and guidance. These services are very helpful in addressing longer term needs.

Disaster Services can help families in Missouri and Saint Charles County that are impacted by events such as a tornadoes, fire, or food. Trained officers, staff and volunteers work together to pass out free food, water, vouchers for clothing, spiritual care and helping to people on the path to long-term needs of those who are affected.

Salvation Army Veterans Services support and honor individuals and their families that have risked so much for our country. Assistance is wide ranging and can be short term basic needs (meals, food, and clothing) to long-term housing solutions to homeless veterans. One of the main, local resources is the Harbor Light Center in nearby downtown Saint Louis.

Stopping hunger and addressing children, the elderly and families that need food is very important to the agency. With almost 15% of families struggling to feed themselves, the pantries, soup kitchens and government benefits such as SNAP food stamps go a long way to assisting. Food centers are in St. Charles County and nearby towns.




Location Salvation Army Corp Centers

  • 1 William Booth Dr, O'Fallon, Missouri, (636) 240-4969
  • 2700 Droste Rd, St Charles, MO, telephone number is (636) 947-8489
  • 2140 N 4th St, St Charles, Missouri, (636) 946-7966
  • 1466 State Hwy N, Bourbon, MO, call (573) 732-5239


By Jon McNamara











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