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Get Paid To Explore The World and Live Rent-Free.

While it is not easy to do at all, it is possible to live rent free as you travel and explore the world. In our digital age, you may sometimes see people documenting their travel adventures and posting pictures of breath-taking sunsets on the beach and other exotic sceneries around the world.

However, while you may see this, keep in mind the majority of what you see posted online is borderline deceiving and not true. Very few people have true wealth, and most put out fake fronts, are in tremendous debt, etc. However we have some suggestions on how it may really be possible to live free as you travel – unlike what you now often see online.

Ever wonder how some people are truly able to afford such lifestyle and travel year-round without having a stressful job? While, on the other hand, you are struggling to pay rent and stuck at your job. We can give some tips on how to do this, but living rent free, traveling, and those experiences are very hard to obtain.

The cost of traveling can be expensive since it involves missed income, vacation time-off and probably months of savings to afford your dream trip- that was the case a few years ago. Money can be a barrier and obstacle when it comes to traveling for many people. However, there many interesting ways to get paid for traveling and living rent-free.

These options are best if you are a retiree, seniors or a young single person without dependents.

Travel Jobs

Many companies are searching for employees to work globally. These travel job opportunities allow you to earn an income while exploring the world. Also, you will also receive free lodging. Below are some travel-friendly jobs are easy to get, but often requires specialized training, passion and time commitment.

•Flight Attendant: Get employed in the clouds and fly for free, plus experience different cultures, cities and stay in hotels. Most airlines offer free flights to spouses/significant others, dependents, and parents, however there are tons of restrictions. So, you may be able to spend time with your loved ones while working and traveling.




A flight attendant job comes with schedule flexibility. You will consistently work for hours then have a few days/week off. Sounds like a wanderlust dream- however, flight attendant training can be tough, and the salary starts out pretty low. But, it can help you to earn some cash, live rent-free for a while and travel.

•TEFL Teacher: Also known as teaching English as a foreign language to non-English speakers. Many jobs will pay your rent in a foreign country. This career field, which is similar to online tutoring, has become one of the fastest educational areas in the world. Becoming a TEFL teacher requires a bachelors in any subject a TEFL certification course that be completed online. Go to for job opportunities.

•Cruise Ship Jobs: Work on a cruise ship and travel the world for free, plus save money on transportation, food, housing, and medical insurance. There are many job positions available on a cruise ship, such as housekeeping, entertainment, cooks, tour manager, retail sales, and more. Average income range is between $1000-$4000 per month. Visit

•Bartending: Becoming a bartender does not provide you with "free travel" or "free rent," but it is a universal job that can allow you to move to a cheaper location. The cost of living in some tourism places like the Caribbean or even Indonesia is under $700 per month, 89% lower than the United States.

•Join the Peace Corps: Become a volunteer in the Peace Corps program, serve abroad and experience more than 60 countries around the world. Volunteers must be U.S citizen and be 18 years and older. It is great for retirees, college grads or anyone that is looking to make a difference by helping communities around the world. Service time can be short-term, a minimum of 3 months to 2 years, and your rent and other costs are paid for.

The Peace Corps volunteer program is a great way to gain or sharpen your skills in agriculture, health, education, youth development, and other sectors. Peace Corps volunteers receive $314 per month or more than $8,000 (pre-taxed), plus free food and housing. You may also be eligible for student loans cancellation through the Public Service Loan Forgiveness by your lender. Peace Corps volunteers also get travel benefits with free transportation and two paid vacation days per month. Visit





•Become a Truck Driver and See the Country: This is a great option if you enjoy spending time on the road with a change of scenery. There is a demand for truck drivers across the country, and you can earn over $100,000 per year to make deliveries and to see various parts of the country. You can stay in your cab, and while the job is hard, it covers travel to some extent. Visit

•Work as An au pair: Also known as a professional live-in babysitter, for those between age 18-30, to be hired by foreign families to teach their kids a new language and do household chores in exchange for rent and a weekly income. This job allows you to live in a foreign country and experience a different culture while earning some money, typically between $400-$1000 per month and living rent free. Visit

Become a Housesitter

A house-sitter is someone who cares for a home while are homeowners is away. In some cases, the homeowner might be sick or disabled and may need getting errands done, or someone to care for their pets or garden. In exchange, you will save money on accommodation cost when traveling.

There are many housesitting gigs available throughout the world with luxury accommodation, which can range from mansions with swimming pools, home gyms or nature reserve gardens-- for free. Housesitting is a great way to meet locals, and it can be an unforgettable adventure. Couples and single moms can apply to home-sit.

To apply, visit the following websites:


Teach or Build Something in a Foreign Country

Consider volunteering abroad and participate in meaningful and life-changing adventures, which may include teaching English or building schools and houses for communities in developing countries. In exchange, you will receive trusted accommodation and traditional home-cooked meals.

Depending on the organization, you can get free or discounted airfare, free rent, student loan cancellation and reduce miscellaneous expenses (vaccinations, medications, travel insurance etc). Volunteering abroad will allow you to see a new country and to discover different cultures and places.

Visit the following websites for more information and to apply:


In addition to that, you can also live rent-free by volunteering and working on an organic farm through the WWOOF organization. Volunteers will have the opportunity to work with organic farmers to help build a sustainable community. There are organic farms available worldwide in countries such as Guyana, Philippines, India and other locations with rich agriculture land. Visit to apply.

Digital Nomads Lifestyle

Digital nomads are people who make a living on the internet and by working from their computer. It is very hard to do and make a living, but it is an option. They can work from any location in the world with internet access. This provides opportunities to travel the world and get paid.





Digital nomads may work remotely for a company or independently. Digital nomads typically live in low-cost areas with high-quality of life, which includes popular destinations like Thailand, Bali and other low-cost cities around the country and world. The lifestyle is increasingly becoming popular due to the widespread of internet connectivity.

Digital nomads work in a variety of fields, with the most common professions being writers, designers, editors, programmers, developers, marketing, e-commerce, and freelancers. This lifestyle provides location independence, with some employers paying the rent – so free housing. A position may be great for single and stay-at-moms, seniors, or anyone that is looking for flexibility and work-life balance in their career.

Below are some ways to make money as a digital nomad, which will allow you to travel and live any part of the world.

•Join the gig economy: The gig economy is growing at a rapid speed. "Gigs'" or short term assignments can be found on freelance sites. These type of work are done remotely, and it brings work/life flexibility.

In 2017, MBO reported an average income of $65,300 for full-time 'gig workers", which is nearly $10,000 higher the median household income in the United States. To thrive in the gig economy, you will need to be tech-savvy, time management skills and a desire to learn new skills. Some high-demand freelance skills are writing & editing, graphic design, programming & software development, and social media marketing. Find a list of freelance sites.

•Start a Blog: Well-written words and engaging content can be an extremely profitable business. Bloggers can make money building an audience and selling services, advertising spaces, affiliate marketing, or their products. Your blog/website will work for you 24/7, 365 days a year.

Some common blog categories are travel + photography blogs where you can earn a living for traveling, and that money can pay your rent and bills. The income range for travel & photography blogs can be between $100-$20,000+ per month, relationship blogs, lifestyle websites, parenting, fashion blogs or any topic that you are passionate about. Read more on starting a blog for income

•Passive Income: Unlike a 9-5 job, a passive stream of income allows you to earn money while you sleep and travel! Passive income can be generated from a business, rental properties, dividends from stocks, copyright and royalties from books, songs, photographs etc, or recurring commission from affiliate marketing. Find more passive income ideas here.

•Find a remote job: A remote job is your best option if you are starting a business or starting as a freelancer. Look for position is from a legitimate company, and it comes with flexibility (no more delays or sitting in traffic) and a stable paycheck. Some, like overseas positions, will pay some or all of your rent.

Working remotely is a great way to test your way into self-employment, managing time and staying motivated and productive while working from home, a co-working space or coffee shop. A remote job might not be the best option for everyone, but it allows you to work from any location in the world. As an employee, you can start small by working from your local coffee shop to test your productivity, before heading off across the globe and getting distracted or even worst- getting fired for slacking off.

•Starting an online business: According to various research studies, it takes an average of 21 days to 2 months for a behavior to become automatic or a habit (at any age). So, you are a master at your job if you have been working at your job for years. Whether if you work in retail, customer service, a restaurant or coffee shop- after a few months, you do not need instructions on performing your job. You can even turn a hobby into an income. You have acquired the requisite work experience to start a business, being your own boss and the ability to work independently.







Launching an online business is relatively affordable. It does not require $5,000+ a month in rent for a retail store or restaurant. If you enjoy working in the restaurant industry, you can showcase your cooking skills on social media to reach out to customers. If you work in the retail sector, you can earn commission by promoting clothing, handmade products, and other items. An online business can be started from the comfort from your home-- or better yet, an exotic location, on the beach and you will have access to a more extensive network of customers. Use the money to pay the rent as you see the world!

As listed above, there are many ways to travel the world, earn cash and free housing. Money is required in life, but it shouldn't be a barrier when it comes traveling and discovering new places. If you are going through a tough time, a little trip abroad can be transformational, and it will forever change your life. You will be exposed to different cultures, especially in developing countries- where people live in (real) poverty, families are sleeping on the floors, dogs without owners and happy children playing with toys made out of broken sticks.


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By Jon McNamara











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