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Cash assistance for a single person.

There are a variety of cash assistance programs that help low-income single adults. There is money from the government, non-profit organizations, and other financial aid. A single person who has a low-income, is disabled, homeless, elderly or unemployed (among others) can get cash assistance for immediate needs. Find how to get cash as a single adult below.

The programs vary by state, county, and region. In addition, t856hese cash assistance programs as well as other benefits are often contingent upon income, employment status, and other factors. However the money can help a single person pay the bills, pay the rent or for housing, allow them to get food and more.

Government cash assistance programs for a single adult

General Assistance near you is a cash benefit that is often available for a single person. Some states, city or county government offer General Assistance (GA) funds to individuals who do not qualify for other types of financial help. The money is intended to help them pay the bills for a temporary period of time while they gain self-sufficiency, including a job, budgeting help and take other steps.

  • This form of cash assistance is only for qualified low-income single people that also have no, or very limited, savings. Some General Assistance programs only provide help with specific expenses, like housing or medical costs, while others give a small monthly cash allowance for a certain number of months or years.
  • These GA cash assistance programs are often very locally specific, with some government organizations offering it and some that don’t. It's funded by state and county revenues, and the benefits vary significantly depending on where you live  Applicants will need to check with their local Department of Social Services (or Human Services) to see what's available. Learn more on public assistance programs from the government.

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) is a federal government funded cash assistance programs for the low-income, poor, and families (as well as a single person) that has kids. Note the TANF benefit is often called a different name in each state. TANF provides free government cash assistance to families with dependent children. Though it's primarily targeted toward families, under certain circumstances, single adults with one or more kids could also qualify.




  • There is also cash assistance from TANF for pregnant women who are in single, including teenagers. In some cases, single adults who are taking care of children they're related to, such as a grandparent, aunt or uncles can also apply for money from TANF. Benefits can range from a few hundred dollars a month up to several hundred, depending on factors like your income, household size, and state. The cash from TANF can be used to pay for a housing, food, car repairs, utilities, gasoline, and other personal or household stuff. Learn how to apply for TANF cash assistance benefits for single people.

A single person with little or no income can get free government cash from Supplemental Security Income (SSI):  It is also a benefit for people with a disability or those that are “aged”, including low-income single elderly people (even including widows or widowers).

  • SSI provides cash to meet basic needs for food, groceries, and meals. There is money to pay for clothes, hygiene supplies and every day life expenses. Or get the cash for transportation, medical needs and housing costs, including utilities, water bills or rent. The SSI program is often a major benefit for a single person with severe physical or mental disabilities. There is also cash for the elderly, or anyone who cannot work due to health reasons. Apply for SSI online.

Single people who lost their job can get money from Unemployment Insurance, or UI benefits. This is the main government social safety net for a single person who was working but loses that job. It helps them pay the bills until a new job is found.

  • If a single person, no matter their age or experience, has lost their job through no fault of their own, they will be eligible for cash assistance from Unemployment Insurance benefits, which provide temporary income assistance. Each state administers its own unemployment insurance program, so benefits can vary. However, in most states, a single person will get up to 26 weeks of cash assistance benefits, but during times of high unemployment, additional weeks might be available. Contact a state UI insurance office to apply.





SNAP, also known as food stamps or Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, helps single people pay for groceries. Formerly known as food stamps, SNAP provides monthly benefits to buy food and other needed items. The money to pay for these goods is provided to a single person on an EBT card, which is similar to a pre-paid or debt card.

  • This is not a direct cash program, but funds are given for food and more nonetheless. In addition. it helps a single person free up their money that would otherwise be spent on food. There are local applications to SNAP benefits as a social service office or applications can also be done online. Not there are work requirements for a single person to get SNAP food stamps. Apply for SNAP as a single person.

Cash for energy bills and utility bill help is available for low-income single people. LIHEAP, or the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program, helps tenants or homeowners keep their electric on. There is a focus on single people with a disability or that are seniors.

  • This federal government benefit provides financial assistance to low-income households, including a single person, to help manage energy cost.. Each state runs its own LIHEAP program, and the amount of money to pay utility bills and the application vary. Get an LIHEAP online application.Cash assistance for single people

Senior citizens over the age of 60 can get cash assistance from the government. There are also benefits for elderly people over the age of 70. Many states, as well as the federal government, provide additional financial help, grants, cash aid and more to the older population. Locate free government money for a senior citizen.

Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) will help a single person that has kids. This is a federal government issued refundable tax credit for low- to moderate-income working individuals, particularly those with children. There may be some expectations though in that some single adults without dependents can also qualify if they meet certain income requirements. Look here for details on EITC.

Cash assistance for single people from a charity

There are a number of charities, churches and non-profits that provide cash assistance, including to a qualified single person with or without kids. While funds are limited, and what each charity can or can’t do varies, in general emergency financial help is offered. In general, any cash assistance is aimed at helping the most at risk, single as a single mom, an adult that is unexpectedly sick and needs short term cash assistance, those with a short term hardship and others.




Cash assistance from a non-profit will have a formal application process, and most organizations will also require the applicant to go through case management to address the underlying cause of their hardship. This will include budgeting help, job training, counseling and other services.

Community Action Agencies, including near you, often help single people, including with grant money, transportation, job training and more. These organizations are located in most counties and cities. They are one of the leading poverty fighting organizations in the US, and any cash assistance or other support will be combined with long term self-sufficiency. Locate community action hardship grant money.

National charity organizations such as the Salvation Army, Saint Vincent de Paul, UMC churches, Veterans of America, Catholic Charities and many others that will be near you often provide emergency cash assistance to low-income families in a crisis. A focus will be on homeless prevention, so money may help pay rent or a utility bill. Or they give free food, gas cards for work, and cash for a certain set of bills. Find a charity that has free money to the low income.

Single mother cash assistance programs are available. There are several agencies that help them, including churches and faith based groups. There are shelter and housing programs, including from Mercy Housing. The YWCA provides social services, the United Way gives referrals to cash assistance for a single adult with kids and there are other resources. More on single mother financial help near you.


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By Jon McNamara











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