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Financial help from Albany Salvation Army.

Families in Albany New York who are facing an emergency or crisis, and who meet guidelines, may qualify for assistance from the Salvation Army. When people find themselves in a difficult financial situation that is out of their control and not of their doing (such as a job loss or medical emergency) then services may be offered.

Salvation Army case workers can provide Albany area families with self-sufficiency and access to emergency aid, including food, rent, holiday assistance, and more. All resources and funding is limited. The organization can also work with newly released ex-offenders to assist them with their re-entry to society and a productive life.

Christmas and Holiday Assistance - The Albany centers recognize that for many families and individuals, the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays can bring financial challenges, stress, and cause people to fall behind. So the Salvation Army offers a variety of services and resources to help individuals and lower income families. Of particular focus is on providing gifts for children and needed items to seniors.

As indicated, offering toys for children is a priority. Programs such as Angel Tree and Adopt a Family will help many children and infants who would otherwise be without toys or a present to open at Christmas. The Albany Salvation Army assists lower to moderate income families to ensure that their financial struggles are not suffered by their children.

In addition, a special Christmas or Thanksgiving meal is served especially for children, and some volunteers may deliver food to the homebound and seniors. The Salvation Army will offer special holiday food and meals in order to help families and the elderly. Families and qualified individuals are given a gift card to purchase meat or poultry, staples for a holiday meal, and a turkey. Most of these holiday programs rely on donations.

Many people are faced with additional expenses during the holidays and winter. So the Salvation Army will try, as funding allows, to provide additional financial assistance for expenses such as rent or heating bills.

A Mobile Canteen operates across Albany year round, and it provides a service known as Meals For The Needy. The program provides free hot meals and perishable items to the hungry, low income, and homeless. On average, almost 150 people per day receive help. At the same time food and meals are provided, shelters are available too. During the cold New York winter, homeless clients and individuals will either find a place to stay locally, or they can use a shelter that may be available from the Salvation Army.





A soup kitchen is usually open the last few days of the month. Throughout the year, when people start to run low on cash and when monthly financial stipends are usually depleted, the Albany Salvation Army distributes free hot meals to make sure families are well fed.

Food pantries are offered too. Families and/or individuals across the region are able to receive 3-6 days worth of free or low cost groceries once every 30 days from a local food bank. The Salvation Army may also assist with clothing vouchers, furniture and household items. This is all in addition to the aid offered at the food pantry. Self-sufficiency and personal counseling can also help assist individuals through the crises emotionally, spiritually, and whenever possible with paying for and meeting their basic needs.

Learning Zone – This is available for adults and youth, and offers them a host of programs. Clients can improve their lives in a holistic manner, and can access an After-School Program for Children, Computer Lab, and Social Services.

Veterans and seniors can benefit from League of Mercy. With thousands of local senior citizens living alone, as well as Veterans who may be struggling, volunteers from the Salvation Army League of Mercy program can provide visits and companionship. They bring people a smile, a prayer, free food, and/or a small gift or needed items.

Disaster assistance is offered to. Whether man made, or a national event, the Salvation Army of Albany, its volunteers, and others are there to provide help. It can be financial assistance to pay a bill, housing, a hot meal, blanket, or more. Case workers will do their best to help families get back on track too.

Salvation Army centers and partner organizations

  • 20 South Ferry Street, Albany, NY 12202. The phone number is (518) 463-6678.
  • Ministry of First United Church of Cohoes, 115 Mohawk Street, Cohoes, NY 12047


By Jon McNamara











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