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Twin Falls County Salvation Army assistance programs.

There is one main Salvation Army location in Twin Falls County. The charity, which not only provides food as well as financial help, also serves as a church. There are income restrictions in place before any aid is passed out, but there are no restrictions on race, religion, or background. Any needy person, that needs financial support or basic material items, can try Twin Falls location for support.

There are housing programs (shelter or rent help), utility assistance (from Project Share), basic needs (thrift store and winter coats), as well as anti-poverty measures. The last option (anti-poverty) involves extensive case management. A Salvation Army case worker will work with the family on finding a solution to their financial hardship, and based on that, guidance will be given to them.

Below is a list of Salvation Army resources available in Twin Falls.

The office can help low income families apply to Project Share. This is a fall/winter/spring program that provides financial assistance for heating related costs. The Twin Falls County Salvation Army center is an intake office for it.

Uses donations from the community, Project Share can help pay bills ranging from gas to electric, heating oil, propane, and more. The intent is to help a customer make it through the colder fall to spring months. Many of the low income families from Twin Falls who are assisted may be elderly, disabled, or maybe they are working poor parents with a child.

During times of personal disaster or one caused by “Mother Nature”, the charity steps up. They respond to fires of a house burning down or tornadoes. Or if there are major winter events, including ice or blizzards, the Twin Falls Salvation Army tries to ensure everyone has a meal, blankets to stay warm, a hot drink, and more.

Shelter or emergency lodging is also coordinated. There are local agencies, including churches and the department of social services, that work with the Salvation Army to keep people safe, warm, and stable. Lodging will also involve a process of helping the person/family locate (and pay the rent on) permanent housing in the community.




There is also a thrift store as well as Twin Falls County Salvation Army food bank. There are some free items given, including a box of groceries. This is what the pantry will do. It feeds the hungry and working poor, and tries to help the hundreds of families from Twin Falls that face hunger each year.

The thrift store sells low cost goods too. The site may have available more “practical goods”, including clothes, winter boots or jackets, couches, kitchen chairs or tables, cribs, and more. Other more “unique” items may be sold too. This is often why the Salvation Army thrift store appeals to the youth in the region. They may find vintage musical items, old DVDs, and similar stuff.

Working poor families can get free assistance during the holidays. This is an option regardless of the applicant's religion. They also provide holiday help to the homeless, seniors living in a nursing home, or those in a hospital. Volunteers also play a large role in these holiday programs.

Twin Falls County Salvation Army participate in the major regional services during Christmas. There are three. The main ones are Toys for Tots; Angel Tree; and Adopt-A-Family. All of them provide either free Christmas gifts and/or meals to the needy in the community. Or the church is available then too.

Similar to the lodging programs are housing stability services. While the cost of monthly rent is not excessive in Twin Falls Idaho, there are some families that will have a short term crisis from time to time. When that happens, the Salvation Army may step in to provide a few dollars to help with rent or they provide referrals to a nearby agency such as the United Way. Case managers work together to assist struggling tenants.





Apply for Salvation Army programs in Twin Falls

For more information, the address is 348 4th Ave North, Twin Falls, Idaho. Phone (208) 733-8720.


By Jon McNamara











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