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Eviction and rehousing assistance Virginia Beach.

Virginia Beach tenants threatened with an eviction can get help from state as well as federal government funded programs. The homeless prevention services in the community, most of which are run by non-profits such as the Continuum of Care and Connection Point, also include Rapid Re-Housing. Together these programs (at the phone number below), which can stop an eviction, will eliminate or reduce the amount of time that a family spends being homeless.

Eviction prevention services - The government grants which may be provided are targeted at people who are literally facing an imminent eviction from their landlord or that are about to have their utilities cut off, which can also lead to homelessness. Tenants that are accepted into this counseling as well as financial assistance program may be provided money for paying rental arrears, grants for utility or water bills, counseling, and other bills. All of the Virginia Beach services will help the person achieve their housing stability goals. Or find other free government hardship grants.

Tenants seeking help need to meet a number of conditions. One of the keys ones is that they need to be out of all other resources. So they need to have sought assistance for their housing needs from friends, family, charities, and even local churches first. They also should have tried to negotiate a payment plan with their landlord or utility provider. Any eviction help provided in the community should be considered to be a last resort only.

The apartment or home they are currently living at in Virginia Beach needs to meet the Fair Market Rent criteria, which are set by the state as well as the Housing and Urban Development. This means that the property needs to be affordable, when considering their income, monthly rent, living expenses, utilities, and all other costs. Applicants total household income from all sources (including disability, pensions, etc.) needs to be below 30 percent Area Median Income.

All applications are evaluated by local agencies. They will be certified to receiving either a grant or counseling, with low interest loans used in some cases. The emphasis of the support program in the Virginia Beach community is on on homeless or eviction prevention. Once that has been achieved, the client will still need to work with a social worker on developing a plan for future housing stability.




Virginia Beach Rapid Rehousing – In partnership with the state's Department of Housing and Community Development, this service was created to help families that were recently evicted or that have been homeless over the long term. A combination of financial aid (including motel vouchers, rental or security deposit help, and shelters) is used to help clients gain stable housing.

There is always a high demand for rehousing support. Since resources are limited, agencies such as Connection Point as well as United Way affiliated partners give priority to special situations. These include people that are currently living in a  place not meant for human habitation. Other priorities are for single mothers, families in a shelter, or those leaving an institution such as a shelter.

The process will include a review of the applicant's financial situation. If there is no stability there, then a case manager will partner with the client to improve it. This includes enrollment into Life Skills Education as well as Employment Assistance. The applicant needs to have some form of income so they can afford to pay for their housing needs and keep their family intact.

A housing search will be part of rehousing. The home selected needs to also meet HUD Fair Market Rent targets, which also includes the family's income. This will help reduce the probability for a future eviction taking place. While the cost of monthly rent and energy bills in Virginia Beach is very high, there are some landlords with offer income based units.

In some cases, the apartment in which a family lives is now un-affordable. Maybe they had a change in income (such as a job loss), a divorce, or death of a spouse. Rather than be evicted from it, rehousing can help relocate the family. This can even be an option when the home is no longer safe to live in per the local code enforcement agency, and a key agency to contact in this case can be the local Housing and Neighborhood Preservation office.

No matter whether it is someone that was homeless or that needs to be relocated, agencies will offer support. The federal government grants from ESG and other sources can be used to pay for the costs involved to do this. They can pay for a security deposit or application fee for the lease. In some cases a portion of the first month's rent may be paid. Or if the family needs to store their furniture, then a voucher can be used to pay for the storage costs or the motel room while they are in the process of moving. So rehousing can cover many costs.







Applying for and contact information on eviction help in Virginia Beach

Anyone that is struggling and may be either currently homeless or facing an eviction should call for help. People should seeking advice, or applications to these programs, before they have a pay or quit notice from their landlord. Non-profits in the Virginia Beach region can provide more information, and the phone number is 757-227-5932.


By Jon McNamara


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