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Tulsa Salvation Army assistance programs.

Services offered to Tulsa Oklahoma residents by the Salvation Army can provide them with short term assistance in meeting their basic needs, while also helping people find a job or gain new skills. Emergency assistance may be offered for needs such as housing, rent, food, and utility bills. However social workers from the Tulsa County Salvation Army will also work with clients and direct them towards self-sufficiency, including a new job, school or educational supplies or seasonal programs including free Christmas toys from Angel Tree.

Housing and financial aid programs from Salvation Army

Transitional housing programs are offered to currently homeless families and individuals who are willing to work towards mid to long term self-sufficiency. Clients will need to agree to, and fully participate in, Salvation Army lead and created education and skills training classes and workshops.

Tulsa residents who participate will be given a comprehensive assessment of their individual needs and case plans will be created for them to help them become successful and meet their goals. It is well known that educational classes are an integral part of the Salvation Army programs and resources, and they will ensure people are provided assistance from job training and employment opportunities.

Emergency financial assistance is facilitated by the Salvation Army for Tulsa County families who are struggling with paying their bills and basic needs. All assistance is by appointment only, and people need to call in advance to schedule one. Individuals need to be able to document their financial hardship, bring a copy of their bills and lease, proof of recent rent and other payments, and they need to be prepared.

This emergency program is always very limited. Funds may be offered to help with prescription medications, rent, travel expenses, and utility bills. Dial 918-582-7201, or learn more on a wide variety of low income assistance programs for struggling families.

The Tulsa Salvation Army supportive housing program will help those who are currently homeless achieve self-sufficiency through job skills training and education. Resources can help the entire family, including a mother and children, men, women, teenagers, and others.




You will meet with a professional case manager, and they will conduct an application and assessment of your needs. The maximum length of the supportive housing program will be two years. Basic necessities are provided to clients during this period.

A client will develop an individualized plan with their case manager. All programs are developed in cooperation with the family. Various financial assistance programs, advocacy and coordination of available services are integrated into every person’s case management plan.

Shelter and short term housing may be available in Tulsa County Oklahoma. However clients will not be required to stay in the Supportive Housing Tower as they participate in this Salvation Army program. People undergoing only a temporary setback or financial hardship may be placed directly into community housing or low income housing units or apartments.

Emergency shelter and feeding programs are operated by the Tulsa Salvation Army. The centers can provide refuge and housing to hundreds of people every night, with the highest demand in the winter and hot Oklahoma summer. Find other homeless shelters in Tulsa County.

In addition to offering people a place to stay, the Tulsa Oklahoma shelter will serve free daily meals and distribute emergency food boxes. These items are prepared in the Emergency Shelter Dining Room, and up to 900 meals are served per day. Anyone who needs food can stop by, not just the homeless. So low income families can use the service too. Also, if you do not have a source of income, then all the food and meals are free.





Tulsa County Salvation Army self-sufficiency programs and services

Case management, advice, and social services are offered. Most of the programs run for 2 years, and they will help enhance individual and family relationships in the Tulsa County area. Specifically, services provided will instill effective life skills management and establish self-sufficiency. Resources also revolve around helping people find a job, by increasing educational and job training opportunities, as well as overall employment potential. Last, but not least, improve your knowledge of community support that is available, including state of Oklahoma and federal government programs.

Life skills workshops and classes are offered, which target each family's specific problem areas. The sessions are held every week at Salvation Army centers, and they provide a number of services.

For example, the sessions can include activities such as credit counseling, and learn about education opportunities. These, and much more, are encouraged through case management type support. In addition, an on-site three-star childcare facility is also available for qualified Tulsa area families who need high quality, yet affordable child care while the client is working or child care may also be provided if the individual is receiving job training.

The Project ABLE Program is offered by the Salvation Army for individuals who are single and who are homeless. They need to be willing to work towards self-sufficiency as well, and can do this through employment, education and skills training. If also offers group counseling sessions, job and career counseling programs, and assessment. Some assistance may be offered for basic necessities such as food, housing, and emergency expenses and bills.

Free Seasonal Family Services

Tulsa County Salvation Army Family Services also work to help low income families during the summer, fall, and winter months - Seasonal Programs. Most of these rely on donations from the community. Examples of the resources include:

  • -Easter food and feeding baskets.
  • -Thanksgiving turkey dinner, meals, and food baskets. They can be for the homeless or low income as well.
  • -Students, whether English speakers or not, can get free back to school supplies, clothes, and hygiene supplies.
  • -Christmas assistance in Tulsa includes Toys for Tots, Angel Tree, and Adopt a Family. Free food, meals, toys, and even Christmas Trees or ornaments may all be offered.

All are free and rely both on volunteers and donations. The Salvation Army gives out items on a first come-served basis.





Addresses of phone numbers of Tulsa Salvation Army centers

There are multiple centers in the county, both thrift stores and Family Services - Financial Assistance programs. Referrals are always given as well.

  • 102 North Denver Avenue, Tulsa Oklahoma, call (918) 582-7201
  • 4508 South Peoria Avenue, Tulsa, dial (918) 747-5272
  • 1231 North Harvard Avenue, Tulsa OK, main number (918) 835-6902
  • 3901 E 28th St, Tulsa, OK 74114. Phone (918) 747-8844
  • Another location is 924 S Hudson Ave, Tulsa, OK 74112. Phone (918) 587-7801


By Jon McNamara


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