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Tampa Housing Authority programs.

Tampa Housing Authority operates as a non-profit, government funded organization that offers a number of services to families and individuals. As a Public Housing Agency, or PHA, they offer affordable rental housing, including apartments in Tampa Bay, to low income residents. Other assistance available, most of which is by referrals, ranges from foreclosure counseling for people behind on their mortgage to information on financial aid.

In general, many of the services are for very low income families or those living in poverty that have a job. There are also services for individuals with different backgrounds. As an example, veterans from Hillsborough County can often enroll into SSVF and there is Shelter Care Plus for individuals with a disability.

Solutions from Tampa Housing Authority

Section 8, which was renamed as the HUD Housing Choice Voucher Program, is the main federal government program. It is paid for using grants from the government and is also supplemented by the state of Florida. Those who enroll and receive a voucher are able to find their own housing to live in. People can select townhomes, single-family homes, condos, duplexes and apartments.

This resource will help pay for portion of the rent on a new home. It is based on the applicant’s total household income as well as savings level, and they will also need to contribute towards the expense and also cover other related bills, such as the electricity on the home.

Residents of all ages and economic situations can apply, though there is a waiting list. Section 8 is for low-income families, senior citizens, and the disabled as well, and many of them are in fact clients. The goal is to help pay a portion of their rent so that they can afford a safe home on their own.

Tampa Housing Authority will arrange for a monthly subsidy to paid directly to the landlord. Whether it is an apartment community or the landlord of one unit, the funds will be given to them for the tenants rent on behalf of the participating family. Only a portion of the expense will be paid by the PHA, and the balance needs to be covered by the family.




Tampa Housing Authority refers residents to Foreclosure Prevention Counseling in Hillsborough County. This is generally available for either free or at a reduced rate. It will depend on the household income and their exact financial situation. Staff from the non-profit, or a partner HUD approved counseling agency, will go over options that may still be available to help the borrower save their home from their lender.

Examples of foreclosure programs reviewed will be preparing a hardship letter for the lender or exploring federal programs such as HARP. Another option available in most states and municipalities is mediation. In fact, many local courts will in fact require this before a foreclosure can occur. Tampa Housing Authority can help arrange this service too.

Tampa Housing helps veterans as well. A couple options are the HUD VASH Program as well as SSVF - Supportive Services for Veteran Families. Both of these are also fully supported by the federal government.

HUD, or the Department of Housing and Urban Development, is a key source of funds. Another partner is the Department of Veterans Affairs. These two agencies contribute to offer cash grants for a number of expenses. The veterans will also receive ongoing case management. So whether they need educational support or some other permanent housing support to ensure they maintain their home in the future, this will also be arranged by the Tampa Housing Authority.

For eligible homeless from Tampa Bay Florida, they will also be able to receive referrals to VA benefits. Or they can be placed into a shelter for short term lodging. This is generally arranged for needs such as recovery from physical and mental health, medical needs, or substance use. The reason this service is administered by Tampa Housing Authority as they often can lead to or contribute lack of housing stability.

The Shelter Plus Care Program is for the disabled and those Hillsborough County residents with a mental illness. Tampa Housing Authority works to offer them both one time rental assistance to stop an eviction as well as long term, income subsidized housing. The aid is for hard-to-serve homeless individuals or households with a member that has some form of disability.

It provides clients a number of solutions. Not only may there be grants for paying security deposits or back rent, but there is also a range of supportive services funded by other state of Florida sources. There is also ongoing advice given to the client.





Family self-sufficiency is for tenants or anyone that is leasing a home. This is the specific name of a case management serviced that is intended to prevent the recurrence of homelessness in the community. Clients will be able to meet with a Tampa Housing Authority staff member of this HUD funded program. It also relies on the participation of other agencies from the greater Florida region, such as schools, welfare agencies, and churches.

All these groups work together to offer FSS participants access to the skills and experience they need to ensure stability. The resources will enable them to obtain employment or a higher educational level. This will enable them to gain a living wage or maybe rebuild their credit. Whatever is needed to achieve long term stability is arranged by Tampa Housing Authority or its partners.

There are additional programs for either potential homebuyers or really anyone that needs advice. Examples range from Pre-Purchase Counseling to Budgeting and Credit Repair classes. This Housing Authority services will put families into position to buy home on their own. Specialists will also stress how people can improve their situation. This will include a close review of their total household expenses, income and debts.

For information, the phone number is (813) 253-0551. They also operate from an office at 1529 W. Main Street, Tampa Bay Florida 33607.



By Jon McNamara


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