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Orangeburg County South Carolina Salvation Army assistance programs.

The Salvation Army in Orangeburg County South Carolina works to give people a hand-up in an effort to get them back on track. During this journey towards fiscal stability they will try to provide one time emergency assistance. Whether it is a box of food, Christmas present, or a few dollars for a critical bill, the Salvation Army will try to help the less fortunate in Orangeburg.

The charity is set up as a church based group, but all religions can be assisted by the charity. As long as someone is qualified, the Salvation Army will help people of all ages, religions, faiths, whether they are married or not, and other backgrounds. Immigrants and the unemployed can also get assistance; there is no discrimination made.

One key service of the Orangeburg County Salvation Army is to help build the community. They do this for all types of people. Adults can learn about job placement services or sign up for workshops on budgeting. There is also fellowship for adults where they can learn about how others from the community have overcome their hardships.

Youth from the community can also participate. In fact, it is often beneficial to assist children so they get off on the right track. Volunteers from the Orangeburg County South Carolina can mentor younger people. Or the Salvation Army will help feed them by offering meals during the summer. Another important assistance program will provide free back to school clothes, supplies, and uniforms to students. This will help them build confidence when they return for the school year.

Housing assistance is also provided. There are emergency shelters in counties nearby Orangeburg County South Carolina. The Salvation Army can direct the homeless to them. This will be for a short term need only, but while at a shelter, the guest can learn about more long term solutions. The goal will also be permanent housing placement.

The shelter will also give the individual a free meal as well as personal hygiene items. They can also use the other resources that are made available to them. One key one is case management, and the social worker will assist them as they search for a job. Or if the homelessness is caused by issues such as drug or alcohol abuse, or domestic violence, other referrals are given.





The Orangeburg County Salvation Army social service program is where there may be the possibility of financial aid. On occasion, some funds may help with electric or light bills, rent, or medical needs such as prescriptions. Or much more likely is a referral or maybe a free box of food given to the client. This department takes care of very short term needs, whether it is rent, vouchers for work clothes or gasoline, or other needs.

During Christmas and Thanksgiving holidays, there are not only bell ringers seeking to raise money from donations, but there are also seasonal services administered as well. Those programs range from turkey meals to free Christmas toys for kids. Others, such as the disabled, homeless, and homebound, may also seek some help at the holiday.

Another way the churches raises money, and collects donations, is from the Orangeburg County Salvation Army Family Store. Many items are sold from it, but the items will be gently used. This location is 1047 Broughton Street, Orangeburg, South Carolina 29115. It can be reached at 803-534-0785, but this is only a Family Store with no financial assistance provided from it.

The social service department of the Orangeburg Corps is at 813 Nottingham St., Orangeburg, SC, 29115. This is where the emergency assistance is offered from, as well as other resources such as the adult mentoring. For intake, dial 803-534-6806.




By Jon McNamara


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