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Lake County Indiana homeless prevention programs.

Homeless prevention programs operate in Lake County Indiana. The services will help low income tenants that are facing an eviction and also rapidly rehouse the currently homeless. There are resources available in the city as well as county, and referrals are given from the United Way supported Continuum of Care Network of Northwest Indiana.

The assistance comes in many forms. There may be money offered in an emergency for paying arrears on utility bills or rent. There is also free legal aid given to some families that meet income guidelines, and attorneys will often tend to provide advice to seniors and the disabled regardless of their income. Note that there is often a waiting list in place in order to enroll into any form of homeless prevention programs in Lake County.

Government funded homeless prevention in Lake County

Tenants and even homeowners that are struggling can get help. Most of the aid is arranged by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, or HUD. This organization provides some or all of the following programs in the community.

HUD arranges grants from Supportive Services for Veteran Families or VASH, and these are for veterans and their families. Shelter Plus Care will assist the disabled in Lake County Indiana, and it offers them both low income apartments and ongoing rent subsidies. Another major HUD program is Emergency Solution Grants (ESG), and these pay for various housing expenses, as well as section 8 rent vouchers.

The money from the HUD programs referenced above (and others) is allocated to the community around January of each year. From that point going forward funds are provided on a first come and served basis. This will also be the way that programs such as Shelter Plus Care operate, and once all of the apartments are filled, there is no other ability to assist individuals.

These government resources will of course help stop homelessness. However there is often a multiple week or even months long application process. This will especially hold true for section 8, which may in fact take years to apply for in Gary Indiana. However while this process is going on, the agencies that participate such as the United Way will offer the applicant ongoing case management.




Maybe the most important government program for stopping evictions is Emergency Solution Grants. This is where most of the money originates from. Depending on what the need is, the tenant may be given funds for their rent, energy or water bills, security deposits, or related expenses.

There is also financial help from ESG as well as counseling for homeowners. This is available to help prevent homelessness for borrowers that are behind on their home loans. Everything from modifications to mediation with the bank is arranged as part of Continuum of Care Network of Northwest Indiana affiliated groups.

Charities that arrange eviction and rehousing help

Several agencies have banded together as part of an organization that advocates for the working poor and homeless. Some of these include, but are not limited too, Catholic Charities, Salvation Army, and the United Way of Gary Indiana as well as the non-profit Indiana Legal Services.

Since there are so many groups that work to stop prevent homelessness, each offers their own type of support. The Salvation Army can place a person into a shelter or transitional housing, while the United Way and its partners can arrange for motel vouchers or even financial aid. Another major group is the Lake County community action agency, and they assist people facing eviction due to unpaid heating bills or rent. These solutions include applications to LIHEAP or other grant based aid.

The charities will often even have more limited resources that what the federal government can offer. When they offer financial help, it will only pay for some of the rent or utilities that are due. This is done to offer temporary eviction help. Some funding may also assist with paying security deposits or the set up costs for electricity.





Or if the need is from advice from Indiana Legal Services, only some people will get an attorney to represent them in housing court. Most others will just get some free tips. But this too can assist.

Lake County Indiana non-profits that provide homeless prevention will also closely screen tenants that are applying for eviction help. They will focus on the vulnerable, such as single moms or the elderly in the community. When seeking advice, be prepared to prove your need for assistance.

Apply for rapid rehousing and homeless prevention in Gary Indiana area

The Continuum of Care Network of Northwest Indiana is a leading organization in the area for referrals. They can be contacted at (219) 886-9966.


By Jon McNamara


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