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Affordable daycare near you.

Find an affordable daycare provider for your kid(s), including infants, toddlers, newborns or a child of any age. There are non-profit and government sponsored tools that can be used. The name of the program may change by state or local government agency, but the free to use system is known as the Child Care Resource & Referral Service, or CCR&R. Locate low-cost child care near you.

The CCR&R online site is free to use and covers all states, counties, sites and towns. It will help parents find an inexpensive or cheap, yet high quality, daycare center in their local town or city. There are also other assistance programs for parents at the Child Care Resource and Referral Service, including details on social services, food for kids, government benefits and more.

CCR&R service near you

Not only may the exact name of the service that is used vary by state, but so will the agency that administers it. The Department of Human Services or Division of Family and Community Services will often run the website that allows parents to find an inexpensive child care provider. But once again the exact name of the government agency that offers the Child Care Resource and Referral Service will also change from one state to another.

Regardless of the name of the CCR&R program near you, there will always be some resource that families, single moms or dads, and really anyone can use to find an affordable as well as high quality daycare center near where they live or in their local community.

Benefits of daycare providers on Child Care Resource & Referral Service

As any parent knows, whether they are low or high income, it is very difficult to not only pay for daycare, but it is also challenging to find someone to watch your child while at work or while the parent is in class. Some people even need cheap (but quality) care for before or after-school or during holidays, such as summer vacations. There can be many reasons why someone is trying to locate an inexpensive daycare center for their kids or infants, and the local government CCR&R will satisfy all of the requests.




Not only is is difficult to find an inexpensive child care center, but there are too many examples of providers that offer sub-par services to hard working moms and dads. This is why Child Care Resource & Referral Service will also use data to rate each child care center, and there are often “stars” assigned to them using a quality scale. In addition to the quality of the care being sometimes being low, parents often find the cost of daycare to be un-affordable. In fact, many families can spend 10% to as much as 30% of their total household income for this cost, so there are many issues to be covered by each state.

The free Child Care Resource & Referral Service is one resource that was created to address this challenge. Each state will compile information on all of the daycare providers that operate in a local community. There can be information on individuals that care for a kid, local centers near you that are inexpensive, as well as national providers as well. Not only will CCR&R collect information on what services each provider provides, but they also rate them on quality as well as cost. All of this is done in an effort to locate low cost, or cheap, daycare centers.

CCR&R also collects information on any financial aid that may be available to pay for child care costs. It collects information on government subsidies, voucher programs, and even non-profits that may all help low-income parents, single moms and others pay for their child care costs. There will be data on which centers off transportation or which can care for a child either before or after school. Many other scenarios are covered as well, not just the price. It is one source of information on everything having to do with both the quality of daycare providers as well as the costs associated with them.

Working parents, no matter their income, race, religion, or whether they are married or not, can use a Child Care Resource & Referral Service to find an affordable local daycare provider near them. The information is normally housed online, and any person can navigate to a website available in their state to conduct this search. In other words, CCR&R is not only available to low income parents, but any person seeking advice can use it.

How to search for affordable day or child care near you

Due to its accessibility and amount of free information on the CCR&R site, this is why many parents use it for finding affordable care. Some suggestions on searching for low cost day care below include the following.





  • People often start by searching for the costs involved in using a local daycare provider.
  • Then, once they find an option that falls into their budget, the next steps is to search by quality of the center. This is usually a “star” rating system.
  • There are also different types of care that can be arranged, such as for day time, Year Round, Overnight, weekend, summer vacation, and more.
  • Also screen to see whether a government subsidy is allowed as a form of payment.
  • Other factors when searching the Child Care Resource and Referral Service includes the kids age, whether transportation is available or not, and more.

While the goal is to always find a provider that is affordable, this is not the only factor that a parent should search for. Also take into account the child’s age, whether a newborn, infant, after school or before school, or other factors when finding inexpensive daycare center near you. Some providers focus on children of certain ages.

Affordable daycare from CCR&R serviceParents also need to cross-reference with quality, as an agency that is selected also needs to ensure the kids is healthy as well as provides for their emotional and social development. It is not all about being “cheap” or inexpensive, but parents also need to factor in the quality of the daycare.

In addition to the online tool for finding a cheap yet quality company, the state agency that operates one of these locator services, such as the Department of Human Services, can sometimes provide face to face advice to the parent. There may be a local social workers at a local DHS office that can meet with the family to answer questions on everything from financial aid to quality/star ratings on an high quality, yet low cost daycare center. There is also information TANF benefits, housing and other resources, including cash aid. Find a TANF phone number near you.

The CCR&R also helps with employment for parents as they address the child care need. Local governments want parents to continue to work and gain new skills, so they have an interest as well in showing people how they can find an affordable daycare provider.

Finding cheap - affordable child care centers

For more information, search for Child Care Resource and Referral Services in your state. Or find the service here. Or talk to a local social service office, such as DHS, as they can help parents of all income find an affordable day care center near them.


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