Dental care for disabled

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Ver Dict
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Dental care for disabled

Post by Ver Dict »

I am writing you this letter to inform you of my situation and how desperate my dental needs are. As of June 2008 I was In a car accident which made me disable. I have not seen a dentist or had dental care within 4 to 5 years now. I need major work done on my whole mouth; with my front tooth on top I have been placing it back in myself for years now. The tooth has a fracture where I place back that crown and cap. Than I have a cap that the pin snapped inside my gum and has been stuck there for a few years now, I place the cap back with crazy glue since it happen because it is in front of my mouth on top also right next to my big tooth. I have cracked teeth and I know I am in need of implants, crowns, caps, root canals, permanent bridge, extractions etc.
I have gone for a few free consults and that’s how I know what I need. I have not smiled in years because of the way my teeth look, especially the front teeth. I have hid this from everyone including my boyfriend. My teeth are very important to me, I just do not have the funds/ coverage to fix the problems otherwise I would have had my teeth done already.
I have always been a good hearted person my whole life, I would go out of my way for anyone and have changed people for the better. I have a big heart and been through a lot in my life. I was the care giver for my 92 year old grandparents, when my grandmother became bed ridding and could not do anything for herself, I was the person to take on all responsibilities for them and worked at the same time
This year has been the worse with the loss of my little sister and then my mother recently. I was my mother’s medical proxy and she passed away of terminal cancer. I been having a lot of my own medical problem and need to see specialist but I have not been able to get to take any test/ referrals as I always put other people’s needs in front of my own.
I know I have very low income between SSI and SSDI I receive $810.00 a month and $760.00 is my rent, so there is not much left for anything, I have been very sick lately also and do not know what is going on with me but putting crazy glue on my tooth for years cant be good for me or replacing a crown in a fractured tooth either. These are front teeth and I know Medicaid don't pay for anything.
I have not taken care of my own medical needs as I put my problems aside for everyone else. But my teeth are very important to me and I know I need a lot of work, not just cleaning or fillings. I know I have a lot of other medical problems. I would be so grateful and happy to smile again and not live this way because I can't afford what I urgently need. hope you can find it in your heart to help me as I would be very appreciated to get something I’ve been waiting forever to get this done for years now. I have not asked for anything else in my life and I hope this one time I do, someone can find it in their heart to help me with his. I really need the dental help, I hope you can help me.
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Re: Dental care for disabled

Post by Swifter1 »

I am in dire need of dental help. My teeth are rotten, I have cavities, gum disease, recession, infections constantly, and my over all health is being effected because of dental problems. I am in so much pain that I don't know what to do. I can't even drive sometimes because my face, neck, head, gums, and teeth hurt so bad.
I don't have any kind of insurance and will never be able to afford insurance of any kind. I am a full time college student but I have missed a lot of class time because of my teeth and health, so I filed for disability. I can't even afford the gas to put in my car most of the time. My car recently started having problems, like a rod knocking and other problems. I have taken good care of my car but a car doesn't last forever. I have been to my local concerted services but they tell me that funds are not available for anything.
I have no money and I am unemployed. I have depression and anxiety issues but I can't afford a doctor anymore. My small town does not offer much help. Please help me. I am in so much pain. I am a single mother that does not get any kind of financial help from anyone and have no where to turn to. I honestly do not know how much longer I can put up with all of these problems. A person can only take so much before they give up. I am in dire need of help.
G Hucker
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Re: Dental care for disabled

Post by G Hucker »

We are seeking information on dental services for my husband. He is on SSID and Medicare and Medicaid but dental is not covered. We had dental insurance with my wife's previous employer and dentist we went to said he needed an estimated $4500 worth of work after the insurance paid.
We no longer have dental insurance and he has lost part of a tooth and is in much pain. We live in Parker County TX in Weatherford and are looking for a dentist that is based on income.
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Re: Dental care for disabled

Post by Ruby »

I have quadrant-paralysis and rely heavily on my power wheelchair. I'm on Medicaid and live in a Hendersonville, North Carolina skilled nursing facility. As a result, there are no funds for many of my expenses either from Medicaid or my skilled nursing facility. These include dental care beyond cleaning and tooth extraction as well as my power wheelchair's maintenance. I've considered crowd funding. But the donations might endanger my Medicaid eligibility.
At this time my greatest need is dental. I have a quote from a dentist close to $5,000. Can your organization assist me?
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Re: Dental care for disabled

Post by Brandy »

I have a psychiatric disability which puts me on a lower income scale and need ten teeth extracted and upper and lower dentures.  Needless to say,
not having teeth doesn't help my mental health.  I also have gastrointestinal problems, and not being able to chew food doesn't help in that area either.
I live in Baltimore and did find a clinic with a slide scale, called Total Health Care.  This is a great help; However, I still cannot afford to pay for the
dentures, upper and lower, which will cost $1,000 (despite my problem paying for this, it is cheaper than a private dentist).
I have also received some help from the Franciscan Center in Baltimore with some tooth extractions.  But they can only fund one tooth at a time per month.  This is hurting me mental and physical health and is an urgent need for medical care.  
Unfortunately, dental treatment is not covered by Medicare.  I make a few hundred dollars too much to qualify for medical assistance.   I do have
lots of medical bills but my mental illness makes it impossible for me to manage the paperwork.  I don't think it’s quite enough to qualify for
medical assistance.  So, I am in a bad position.
Will any organization help me to at least pay for the dentures, which will cost $1,000 ($500 for upper and $500 for lower)???  I have gone in
circles trying to get help.  Everyone passes the buck.  I am on SSDI for schizophrenia and want to do volunteer work, but my lack of teeth is being social
barrier on top of my disability itself.  
If you can help me with a concrete agency for dental care, or if your agency can help, it would be appreciated so much.  I usually get a bureaucratic run around by people who seem to be well meaning but unable to understand the reality of my problem.  I hope you can help!
p.s. I live in Baltimore, Maryland.
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Re: Dental care for disabled

Post by Tysus »

Hi!I am disabled and low income person and needed to have dental work done.  Do you know of anyplace, where I could find financial assistance to get my dental costs paid?
I am making monthly payments of $350.00, which is very costly for my monthly budget.
Please advise!
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Re: Dental care for disabled

Post by TimesofNY »

Hi, I am disabled and need help paying for dental care. It is something I really need.
I was born with A Clift Lip and all my teeth didn’t come in properly . Plus, I don’t have any bone in the front with deformity of gums, teeth etc.!
I only have 3 teeth in the top of my mouth and can’t wear dentures because of the way the top of my mouth is shaped.
So, the dentist I went to showed me a way to fix so I’ll be able to save the 3 that I have now.
It is a certain kind of “Bridge” that I need but I can’t afford the amount that the Doctor  (dentist) needs to pay for it.
The cost for this procedure is  $6,784.60 and I only get a certain amount each month from the disabled payment, and not enough to pay for the dental care.
I can provide all necessary paperwork (documents) if yawl need them?
Can you please tell me if I would be able to get Financial help to pay for the dental work I need done?
That is just for the top.
I also need work done on my bottom teeth. I can get the amount for all of it if you would want me to?
I’m sorry to ask yawl for help ?? I don’t know what else to do. Please forgive me??
It is so hard living etc. on what I get each month and my husband is a retired vet.
A lot of stress and worrying!!
Thank you so kindly for giving me the opportunity to email you.
I really appreciate all of it.
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Re: Dental care for disabled

Post by Admin »

Since you are disabled, it looks like you have Medicaid for insurance? If so there are some dental chains and practices, as well as individual dentists, that provide care to people on Medicaid. Find them here. ... icaid.html
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